Diabetes Treatment Goals
The objectives of managing patients with diabetes mellitus involve alleviating symptoms and obstructing or decelerating the occurrence of complications. To lower the risk of microvascular diseases such as eye and kidney problems, controlling blood sugar levels and blood pressure is necessary. Additionally, macrovascular risks like coronary, peripheral vascular diseases and cerebrovascular disease are reduced through lipid and hypertension control, quitting smoking, and taking aspirin. Moreover, to decrease metabolic and neurologic risks, controlling glycemia is crucial.
Merely concentrating on glucose is insufficient to manage diabetes mellitus effectively. The treatment involves several objectives, including glycemia, lipids, and blood pressure. Pursuing a forceful approach to lower glucose may not be suitable for all patients. It is vital to assess individual risks before initiating treatment. In patients with advanced type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular disease risk, lowering HbA1c levels to 6% or less may raise the risk of cardiovascular events.
Effective Management of diabetes focusses on the following aspects
The optimal care for Type 2 diabetes involves the care by an expert physician with a specialized knowledge in diabetes working together with the patient and their family. The physician should focus on the following aspects of management:
Patients who have diabetes should be provided with education and motivation to follow a suitable treatment plan during each visit to a healthcare system. It is essential to continue emphasizing the importance of sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine throughout the treatment process, as these lifestyle factors can significantly impact the level of control patients can attain over their diabetic condition.
If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it’s possible that medication will be necessary to assist in regulating your blood sugar levels. Metformin is the most commonly prescribed tablet for this purpose, but there are various other types available. Some medications encourage insulin production by stimulating the pancreas, like sulphonylureas. In case you need to shed some weight, certain medications may be suggested. The best medication for you will be decided by you and your doctor if you require tablets to manage your diabetes.